Lease Returns


Want to return your leased vehicle without getting hit with an expensive repair bill? Heres how Salt City Wheels can help.

  • Avoid being penalized for scuffed, curbed, or scratched wheels.

  • Get accurate estimates on if your wheels will need to be repaired before returning the lease.

  • Receive high quality, timely repairs for a fraction of the price you’ll pay at the dealer.

  • Return your vehicle stress free after using Salt City Wheels.

Returning a leased vehicle can be a stressful experience. You know that if you’ve decided to return the vehicle and end the lease, the dealership will look for (and find!) many niggly little repairs to charge you for.

Scuffed, curbed or scratched wheels are one thing a dealer will look for and penalize you for when you return your leased vehicle. But don’t expect them to play fair - dealers will often charge more than 1000% of the price you’d pay at a professional wheel repair shop! Yes, you read that right. That translates to $200-1700 MORE per wheel than you should be paying. Yikes.

If you’re planning to return your leased vehicle to the dealership and your wheels have any scuffs, curb rash or scratches on them, call the professionals at Salt City Wheels BEFORE you head back to the dealership. Our mobile wheel repair experts will be able to tell you at a glance whether the damage on your wheels needs repair before returning the lease. Usually, we can have most repairs completed within an hour, on-site, and for a fraction of what you will end up paying the dealer. 

It’s really a no-brainer. Give Salt City Wheels a call TODAY at (801) 425 - 3044 to schedule your FREE wheel repair inspection and save literally hundreds of dollars on what you will otherwise pay the dealership.