Can You Repair Pothole Rockchip Curb Rash Road Damage To A Ford Mustang GT500 Wheels Rims?

Pretty much any Mustang is a beast of a vehicle, sending owners and passengers alike into raptures of roaring engines, sputtering exhausts and exhilarating accelerations. But weather in Utah (and the Salt Lake Valley in particular) pay no heed to the singularly sexy growliness of these epic machines - a Mustang GT500 is just as likely to be attacked by flurries of rocks and pebbles as the next finely-tuned beast of a machine.

We could wax lyrical about the many times we’ve had a Ford Mustang owner call us in semi-delirium at the sheer horror of the damage to their formerly-gorgeous wheels. Curb rash, potholes, rocks on the road, and the general salt and moisture attack crew that populate mountainous high elevations can wreak havoc on even a GT500’s supremely-crafted innards and outards.

If this sounds eerily like you and your Ford Mustang GT500, disaster relief and remediation are at hand! Salt City Wheels are Utah’s premier wheel repair and refinishing service, bringing high-performance repairs to your doorstep. If you’re looking for the best in wheel repair and refinishing, you need look no further (according to Yelp, Google and similarly highly-regarded user-generated review sites).

Mustangs are highly-strung and expertly-tuned creatures that demand expert care to restore them to the pinnacle of vehicular perfection, and the GT500 is no exception. To properly refinish a high-performance wheel, it must be individually handled and custom-treated to ensure the highest-quality results. Our skilled wheel experts have the know-how, the can-do and the wherewithal to restore your Mustang GT500’s wheel to its former perfection. And our custom-built mobile shop provides the ideal environment for this entire specialist process, bringing Salt Lake City’s premier wheel repair service right to your door.

Our mobile wheel repair shop is unique amongst wheel repair services. It is custom-built to care for and restore high-performance wheels, bringing state-of-the-art machinery and years of hands-on experience directly to you. 

If you’ve had a bit of a disaster with your Mustang’s gorgeous wheels and need a dedicated team of wheel artists to restore them, give the experts at Salt City Wheels a call today at 801 425 3044. We’ll have your GT500’s wheels refinished and restored to pristine perfection faster than you can say ‘In Hertford, Hereford and Hampshire, hurricanes hardly ever happen’ (In Utah too, coincidentally)!

Also, check out what our other customers have been saying about us on Yelp at the link below: